Date-Working with Dashing Date 5@7

date working

I’m all about trying something new! If you have tried Speed Dating you will be familiar with this concept. Never been to a Date-Working event but i’m sure it will be fun, right!? Plus the host of those dashing event, Kavita, is a doll! Trust me you’ll love her!

Here how Dashing Date explains it:

” So what is Date-Working?
As opposed to networking, the purpose of Date-Working is to connect and make friends with other single professionals, be it of the same or opposite sex.
Wouldn’t it be nice to meet and go out with a group of unattached people that, like you, have the mutual interest in meeting their potential match? Since you are (Dashingly) single, it’s important to expand your single social circle.
This Date-Working Event will provide you with the opportunity to meet and connect with a number single professionals.

What is the structure of a Speed Dating?
All standard events are based on one on one speed dates. Many events will include group dating as well (groups of 4-6 people) as well as time to mingle once the Dash Dates are over. Quirky Ice Breaker cards will always be available too. Themed events (which we’re very excited to announce soon!) will come with their own set of Dashing rules.
How many dates will you meet?
You will meet anywhere between 8-15 Dashing people during a standard speed dating event.
How long does each date last?
Depending on the amount of people at an event the dates can last anywhere between 6-9 minutes. ”


One for $15
Two for $22

When: Wednesday, August 28th
Time: 5:30PM – 7:30PM
Venue: Newtown

And I’ll will see there!!

Check out there site:
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About Author /

Sladgy is our social media queen. You can always find her at events with her iPhone in hand, vlogging on Snapchat, Instagram or Facebook! Or you might hear her speak on the radio at CIBL 101.5 FM, CISM 89.3 FM and CKUT 90.3 FM and MAtv. Topic Contributor: Social Media, Vlogs, Comedy, Festivals, Music, Show

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