Contact Us
Johanne Britton
National Editor-in-Chief
Founder of The Mob’s Press
Toronto, Ontario
We promote, write reviews and support arts, comedy and cultural events in various online member cities including Montreal, Toronto, New York and others – now with a team of over 35+ bloggers.
If you are looking to add more buzz to your festival, event or venue, or need coverage for a show, want to become a mob blogger or for all other inquiries, just contact us and we’ll get back to you ASAP. We are looking forward from to hearing from you!
Mobtréal encourage, couvre et supporte tout événements culturel aux alentours de Montréal. Si vous cherchez plus de buzz pour votre festival, vous voulez de la couverture pour votre prochain spectacle, vous voulez devenir un blogueur mob ou toutes autres questions juste remplissez le formulaire ci-dessus et on vous répondra le plus dès que possible. On a hâte d’entendre de vos nouvelles!
Francois Teinturier
12 years agocontact me. 🙂
Chris paul
12 years agoHi..I’m an amature photographer that loves taken pictures of bands..I recently started that I have great pictures of smashhitcombo from francofolie… My question is is it anyway possible to get a press pass as a civilian?? or maybe working for a a paper with no pay?
Mobtreal Presents Stephen Spinola AKA Mista MCStevie and Quinn C. Martin at the Comedy Nest |
12 years ago[…] Contact Us […]