Celebrating black excellence: 8th edition of Gala Dynastie

In a city as diverse and vibrant as Montreal, where individuals of Black heritage shine through their exceptional contributions across various fields, it is imperative to celebrate and recognize this rich cultural tapestry. The 8th edition of Gala Dynastie, presented by the Fondation Dynastie at the Place des Arts from April 20 to 27, serves as a testament to the significance of such celebrations. This event highlights the remarkable achievements of Black artists and creators in the city’s cultural, media, and artistic industries. Additionally, the event will be broadcast by Natyf TV, allowing a bigger audience to engage in the festivities.

Last Friday, as the Fondation Dynastie team unveiled the program for the galas and the week-long festivities of Dynastie week, the excitement builds for what promises to be a showcase of talent, achievement, and unity. We were also introduced to the jury members, hosts, and finalists across 25 categories, showcasing a wide range of talent.

With this year’s theme, “Build Your Dynastie,” the galas and Dynastie week emphasize the power of legacy, community building, and the enduring impact of individual and collective efforts in shaping a vibrant future.

Photography: Naskademini

Reflecting on the journey to hosting this year’s Culture – Gala Dynastie, Garihanna, a renowned comedian and one of this year’s hosts alongside Naadei, who is also a finalist in two categories, expressed:

The first time I participated in the Gala Dynastie was in 2018. That year, I was asked to present an award with my sister. It was so moving, so beautiful to see all this Black excellence gathered in one place to celebrate, to celebrate US. It was still something I had never seen before. It gave me chills. A gala For US, By US. I remember telling my sister: one day, it will be us! One day, we will host this Gala. We looked each other in the eyes for a long time, and she replied: ‘I believe it!’

Today, 6 years later, here we are! Grateful and very honored to be hosting the Gala Dynastie Culture this year. I do not think it’s a coincidence that the 8th edition falls in 2024. While the number 7 symbolizes the end of a cycle, the number 8 is that of renewal. The number 8 has curves (like me), it also represents infinite opportunities, truth, justice, power, and the strength to undertake.

Let’s celebrate ourselves while there’s still time because building your dynasty is building your destiny!

– Garihanna

Garihanna invites us to be ready for a gala in our color, a 50 shades of black gala. She goes to mention that it will be a gala in our flavour and that it will in fact be sweet. Adding to the theme of representativity, Bella Forte encourages attendees to come dressed as their tribe, showcasing the diverse and rich heritage of the community.

For the Dynastie week, you can expect a diverse array of events, including Brunch Dynastie, Convos Dynastie, and Dynastie Unplugged, designed to engage and entertain while highlighting the significant contributions of Black creatives. 

Find more details by clicking here.

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If you can put in words how you feel, it's not only an ability but an achievement. I started at a very young age and I'm so happy that I still write today! Most of all it's my pleasure to write for you guys to read ;) - Enjoy xo

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