Just For Laughs Brigade
I’ve been going through pictures from this past month and man do I take a lot of pictures! Not finished yet but I decided to take a break and share with you some of the amazing people I spent my month with. Marc Bruyère, Ashutosh Gupta, Eva Wojtasik, Sladgy, Erika Mathieu, Audrey Barbier and Gabriel Katsnelson. The Just For Laughs Brigade 2012!
Gabe I only got to meet at the end of the festival. He replaced that last week when I would of seen and met all those great comics such as Bob Saget and Bill Hader. But I was working the Comedy Nest where I met even more comedians than my brain can remember. Hence the 1000s of pictures.
Check my Facebook page to check them out!
My overall experience at Just For Laughs with the brigade was amazing! Of course it was the first year and I would be lying if I said nothing went wrong. However I don’t see it as going wrong. Everything tried the first time needs some fine tuning. That’s all. I met and connected with some bomb ass comedians, networked with more amazing people who are in the industry and faces I will be seeing again. And of course the 9 colleagues who made my month that much better.

The boys! Marc and Ashutosh. They we’re my faves to work with because I can be a dude and they loved it! Even still being boys and chasing tail, they we’re very professional at their job and I learned a lot. Being 30 and them 19 and 22, I learned a lot about new beats and where we are at in the music industry in 2012. Basically good bass and beats with shitty lyrics.
Sladgy came into the team avec force! Maybe to much but I know her heart and mind was in the right place. I thought I was social media crazy but she takes it to a whole new level! After all, it is her job. She taught me a few things and it was nice to talk to someone who speaks your geeky language. Sladgy, boy do I have plans for you!
Eva was the best! Such a happy, free going gal ready to do everything but not anything! Smart lady and so much fun to talk to. Eva’s the type of person you want in your corner routing for you. She’s got your back no matter what. Love you girl!
Rivkah the girl who made it all possible. It was her idea to have a brigade this year and make it a real job. THANK YOU! I think it’s a great idea and a step in the right direction if you consider where the world is heading theses days with technology and smartphones. She’s my type of boss, strict and on point but knows to have fun. Thank you once again for the opportunity and I’ll be seeing around.
Laura ,our darling coordinator. I have to tell y’all that despite the set backs and changes she had to deal with, she always had a smile on her face. I don’t ever remembering coming in one day and not seeing her smile. Even if the news wasn’t great or our schedule changed on the way to work, her smile and overall attitude made you suck it up and get out there for her and the team. You did a great job of dealing with 8 completely different personalities and all our bullshit.
If I was 5 years younger…
Ash you are the bomb and I had a blast eating and laughing with you. You cracked me up so much! You’re awesome!
My sweet little Erika! What a beautiful girl with a beautiful heart. But don’t let that fool you. She’s a little rocket and surprised me from the first day! Always willing to have fun, take chances and isn’t afraid to be herself! Very smart and outgoing, I definitely want you on my team baby!
Et toi ma petite. Je n’arrive pas ‘a croire que je n’ai pas de photos de toi!!! C’est quoi ça? En tout cas, Audrey is da shit. Blogueuse comme moi avec une maîtrise de la langue française écoeurante, on n’as pas travaillé trop ensemble. (They knew what would happen if they did!!!)
Vraiment une fille magnifique et j’ai hâte de travailler avec toi dans le futur.
As I said before, I had a fantastic summer and everything that came from it, I’m still soaking it up and taking it in. My biggest bummer was having no business cards…Little did I know a ‘fro and a big ass flower in it are rarely forgotten. I had people coming up to me asking who I was and what I did, thinking that I was some artist. It’s nice to know that I look like I should be famous. I’m working on that.
Keep an eye out for these folks. If they are willing to play with the Jo, you will be seeing them at a comedy show near you!
Remember to keep on laughing!