Today at 1PM, PICNICFACE will be holding a 12 hour telethon in Halifax which you can watch from a live stream here.
When I met Mark Little at the Comedy Nest During JFL, we were out with Paul Ash, the winner of our contest. You remember our contest that only Paul entered as a PROUD  supporter of TuJoHaHA? Hmmm? What?
I can’t hear your excuses.
By the way we’ll be doing one very soon so keep an eye out for it!

Mark Little is but one of the members of Picnicface.  Andrew Bush, Kyle Dooley, Cheryl Hann, Brian MacQuarrie, Evany Rosen, Scott Vrooman and Bill Wood are the other seven parts of this sketch-comedy group from Halifax. Since 2006, the group has been making videos that keeps people coming back. Check out their YouTube channel.
They have been notice by some of the best in the biz including Will Ferrell who loves their video’s on his site funnyordie.com.
The first video I’ve watched was the Powerthirst. They did so well that there actually is a Powerthirst bar.

The more I watch them, the more I love them. Their humour is so wrong at times and just absurd but so unique and well written. My type of comedy.
Here’s another clip I enjoyed.

Which goes hand in hand with this one!These guys are fucking awesome! Today they are holding a fundraiser for
Roller Town the movie.
Please donate. I will but I’ll be honest not today. But my money is coming this week and I definitely want to make these guys do something! Check out their list and help them make you laugh.
Ok! I got to go walk the dog and get cozy to start watching the marathon. I love work that I can do in my pyjamas!
So read up more on these great talented people! I like them already!
Montreal’s hot spot for Comedy!

About Author /

President and Co-Founder of The Mob's Press, Jo loves to laugh, click her mouse and is addicted to social media. Through blogging she has found a passion for all things online and was able to turn that into her 1st business called JJ's Press. From that success launched The Mob's Press. You always know when she's at a comedy show because you'll hear her laughing out loud.

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