The Ethnic Show: “Embracing your inner racist”
This year’s ethnic show is hosted by Shaun Majumder, well known canadian comedian. He’s more of a tv personality, so it’s really funny to see him swearing, being racist and shit. Honestly, this brown guy is so god damn white. He opens up about how he’s surprised to see asians cutting hair and how he doesn’t trust them. I’m not here to get my computer fixed, says Majumder. To cut the bullshit, this is my honest review:
Would anybody enjoy the show?
Yes. Everybody has some sort of stereotypical ideas of ethnicities. It’s funny to see them been brought into the light. Although, the main theme of the show is everything ethnic, a few of the comedians derailed from that theme at multiple occasions. So even if ethnic humor ain’t yo thang, still worth watching the individual bits some of the comedians have to offer.
So was it funny?
Yes. [for full transparency, I was kind of tipsy at the beginning of the show]
Worth Watching?
– Yes, because of these 3 comedians:
-Arthur Simeon, with his adorable African accent. Had some funny bits about how people in general, when we notice someone is african, we get all excited and ask stupid questions (so true). Like: “HAVE YOU EVER SEEN ANIMALS?”
Cristela Alonzo was the 2nd best of the night and favorite female comedian of the summer. She absolutely KILLED it. She’s the only one that kept her whole routine focused on the main theme of the show. She is so good that I don’t know whether or not I should quote some of her stuff, because I really don’t want to spoil her bits. They made me laugh so hard.
Okay, I’ll spoil just one.
She talks about how white people tan, but it would be cool if tanned people (like mexicans) could go to bleaching salons. Hey, let’s be white for a week! I have a few job interviews!
The best of the night was Ryan Hamilton. Holy shit, people need to look this guy up. He’s the whitest person ever.
He’s just a average single funny looking american guy, from Idaho. Just when he says Idaho, the whole fucking room dies of laughter. That’s how fucking lame he is. I loved how he kept pointing out that we’re literally laughing at him (and not with him). He had this weird Jerry Seinfeld look. His delivery and simple comedy also reminded me of Jerry as well. He did not really attack the ethnic theme, but his own stuff was hilarious. He is enough of an excuse to spend your money to buy tickets for this show. If he’s anything like Jerry (which he is), he’s going to go fucking far.
I never realized how being a single white guy, is the most pathetic thing ever.
“You’ll never going to be rolling around in bed, thinking to yourself: wow, look at all the freedom I have!” (Not sure If I’m quoting it correctly, but close enough)
Lol, that shit was only his opening stuff. You know when it’s so funny that you’re just clapping for no reason like an idiot? He is the cause of that. Okay, I’m really tired from watching and laughing at this midnight show, just go watch it.
It’s worth it.
The Ethnic Show: Ethnical Problems runs from July 10th to July 27th. For more information, visit
follow me on twitter: @gregariousDAMN
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