Just for Laughs Contest!


Time to win tickets folks!!! Thanks to our sponsor, the Comedy Nest, Mobtreal is giving away a pair of tickets for the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday late night show. All you have to do is click here, LIKE our FB page and then comment on the post! That’s it son! Check out the lineup (which may change) below to see who is passing through the Comedy Nest. If you comment on this post and share it to your FB page you will have 2 entries in the contest!

MONDAY, JULY 22nd, 10:30pm

BOB MARLEY (The Late Show with David Letterman, MAD TV)
DOV DAVIDOFF (Chelsea Lately, Chapelle’s Show)
JESSICA KIRSON (The Tonight Show, The View)
EDDIE DELLA SIEPPE (MuchMusic’s Video On Trial)

TUESDAY, JULY 23rd, 10:30pm

GARY GULMAN (The Late Show with David Letterman)
GREG FITZSIMMONS (The Tonight Show, Chelsea Lately)
NEAL BRENNAN (Conan, Chapelle’s Show)
JOHNNY PEMBERTON (New Girl, Bob’s Burgers)
BRENT MORIN (Conan, Chelsea Lately)
MATT BRAUNGER (Late Show with David Letterman)

WEDNESDAY, JULY 24th, 10:30pm

RICH HALL (Late Show with David Letterman, Saturday Night Live)
THOMAS DALE (The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson)
JEAN PAUL (CTV’s A Russell Peters Christmas Special)
RYAN BELLEVILLE (The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson)

To find out more go to www.comedynest.com to see the rest of the lineup!


About Author /

President and Co-Founder of The Mob's Press, Jo loves to laugh, click her mouse and is addicted to social media. Through blogging she has found a passion for all things online and was able to turn that into her 1st business called JJ's Press. From that success launched The Mob's Press. You always know when she's at a comedy show because you'll hear her laughing out loud.


  • Janet
    12 years ago

    I would love to see some comedy 🙂 could use a laugh after all the tragedy in the news lately, great contest guys 🙂

  • Victoria Nachos
    12 years ago

    Yes please! 😉

  • Amanda
    12 years ago

    Looks like a pretty great line up this year!

  • Sassy Jo
    12 years ago

    hey Ladies! Since you took the time to comment I’m giving you the choice of 2 late shows to see. Mon-Wed!
    FB Mobtreal.com to let me know which ones you choose!



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