Comedian Ryan Belleville performs at the Rivoli in Toronto for #JFL42

So tonight I had the honor of seeing the incredibly funny Ryan Belleville preform at the Rivoli!

I made my way over to Rivoli to catch the 7:00 show, excited to see Ryan Belleville up close and personal. The seat I scored was fantastic! Right up in the forefront. Yes folks, I was 6 feet away from Ryan Belleville himself! I have to add also, how aesthetically pleasing he is to look at. Simply a flash of his smile is bound to put one on your face, as it has that contagious kind of quality. Aside from his obvious good looks and contagious smile, he is in fact an INCREDIBLE comedian. His abundance of incredible jokes certainly captivated every person seated in the audience, as the room erupted into a cacophony of laughter. His plethoric material certainly had no shortage whatsoever and he kept up the energy for the entire show with minimal beer “sips” in between. I definitely commend him for that.

He went on to talk about something us women can probably all relate to (and men) and that is the amount of time it takes us to get ready before we leave to go out somewhere. Not only does it take us forever to paint our faces and try on each other’s clothes, we do some really weird shit during the “getting ready process.” If the script were to flip and MEN did half the weird shit that we do, there’s no denying the fact that it would be pretty f**king hilarious. Belleville portrays this perfectly. Anyway, the joke it was really funny. I could go further into detail but there’s no way I could recite it as well as Ryan Belleville (considering it’s his material) so i’ll save myself the embarrassment. Haha.

Belleville is highly charismatic and has the type of voice that entrances you and you feel like you could listen to it for hours. When you go to a Ryan Belleville show, you feel like it’s just you and him in the room together. His comedic timing is perfect, as he engages with the audience, and his facial expressions are hilarious as he transports you into another world completely. He had a lot of really great jokes and covered a lot of material during his set which was impressive. I’ve noticed that a lot of comedians tend to finish all of their jokes early and still have time left so they babble on to fill the allotted space. Ryan Belleville did nothing of the sort, and in fact was completely consistent during his entire performance. Bravo Ryan!

Speaking of funny material, there was definitely no shortage of “penis” jokes with him. Ryan Belleville loves to relish in penises of all kinds, (haha) he certainly doesn’t discriminate. He’s the perfect mixture of crude, vulnerability, charm, and magnetic relate ability which are just a few of his redeeming qualities of many, as well as what I personally look for in a comedian. Ryan Belleville is definitely a new favorite of mine.

If you haven’t seen Ryan Belleville before, I highly recommend that you check him out because he is truly fantastic and is bound to leave you in gaggles of frenetic laughter!

Boss Grace Shaw

About Author /

My love of knowledge, and passionate drive to better myself as an individual is what propels me forward and motivates me. Writing is a craft that I have been gifted with, pursued relentlessly, and have continued to develop throughout my life (among other things.) I’m well articulated, charismatic, open-minded, have a bent sense of humour, and strive to live my life within the present moment. In my free time you’re likely to catch me writing music, blogging, meditating, or dancing my ass off in the clubs!

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