Reese’s Pieces: Reviews in 60 words or less – Improv Against Humanity

adam iah-12
Improv Against Humanity, I love this idea. The Wiggle Room (3874 Blvd. St Laurent), I love this venue. Daniel Carin, I love this guy. Dan Derkson and Greg Hamilton love each other (It was quite beautiful. I think they are going to open a B & B together in Vermont). If you are free on a Thursday night, you should definitely check this show out.  Daniel Carin hosted the shit out of this show, which is built around the game “Cards Against Humanity” and the WIF (World Improv Federation) put together a solid performance (with some standout performances, but I couldn’t point people out, for fear of violent reprisal). You should take a Thursday night and go check this show out.

  • Anything in brackets does not count, Also yes, I went over anyways, shut up.


About Author /

Founder of RE:Productions, this man has photo/video/podcast production skills as well as being a writer/director/producer. He was once told, "You piss charisma, and it's a really thick stream!". Often compared to "The Dude", Reese enjoys good times, herbal jazz cigarettes, comedy, cartoons, cereal, and storytelling. Topic Contributor: Music and Concerts, Podcast,Pop Culture, Nightlife and Entertainment, Comedy


  • Greg Hamilton
    11 years ago

    Who told you about the bed and breakfast? That’s our favorite position.

    • Reese Turner
      11 years ago

      It was a safe assumption. It was either the Bed and Breakfast. Or the “little teapot” either way… magic.

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