Stone Cold Dead Serious!

I usually stick to covering comedy events, but there is something about a play that embodies themes that I connect to that reels me in! Maybe it’s the fact that I am drawn to messy, dysfunctional family drama, or (Artistic Director/Founder) Stuart Fink saying, “What draws me to work on Stone Cold Dead Serious is how the characters are all committed to the pursuit of happiness. It ends with Shaylee, the sister, saying that she wants her family to be “happy” and not just “not-sad”. So many people of my generation are content to float through their twenties,  thinking that as long as they’re getting by they’re doing fine.”

I suppose for a long time I was like Shaylee, longing for the happiness of all of the members of my large, complicated family, pouring those emotions into journalling and poetry to salvage my joy and sanity. I’m looking forward to checking out this show, and riding the roller-coaster of this play written by Adam Rapp!

inFurnace Theatre is brand spankin’ new on the scene and this is their first full production. The company’s Founder and Stone Cold Dead Serious Director Stuart Fink has worked professionally as an actor and director in three provinces, and had a DEC in Theatre from John Abbott College and a BFA in Acting from the University of Alberta.

In the show, the Ledbetter family will be played by Sean Colby (Wynne Ledbetter), Brittany Drisdelle (Shaylee Ledbetter), Melissa Paulson (Linda Ledbetter), and Petros Kladis (Cliffe Ledbetter). Click HERE to view the full Cast and Crew list.

The show launches next Thursday October 3rd! 

October 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 at 8:00 pm
Matinée October 12th at 1:00 pm

Espace 4001
4001 Rue Berri
Montréal, Quebec
H2L 4H2

$15 regular
$12 students
“Date Night” Special (2-for-1) on Tuesday, October 8th at 8:00 pm & Saturday, October 12th at 1:00 pm

Click HERE to get your tickets now!


About Author /

Producer/Production Manager and Freelance Writer. Hailing from Mississauga, Ontario, Katelynd has dabbled in: blogging, podcasting, radio, film and television, print media and advertising over the last decade living in Montreal, Quebec. She is passionate about stand-up comedy and cannabis education. As a new mom, she is re-connecting with her love of writing.

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