YXIMALLOO is a slow paced, observational styled, documentary by Tadhg O’Sullivan and Feargal Ward about the humble reality of a Japanese...
YXIMALLOO is a slow paced, observational styled, documentary by Tadhg O’Sullivan and Feargal Ward about the humble reality of a Japanese...
Tokyo Tribe, directed by Shion Sono, is an action packed rap-musical based on the manga Tokyo Tribe2 by Santa...
Last night was the opening show of Cherry Typhoon and her Ninja Burlesque. How exciting! Ninja and burlesque? Not...
Tuesday night was the premier of The Lady Josephine’s Bad Ladies and the Detective. If you have never seen...
We started off covering Montreal comedy back in 2009 with a network of websites including TuJoHaHa and JJ’s Press,...
To join the team at you must demonstrate superior language skills, have a decent number of social media...