MIBFF film review: “Da Sweet Blood of Jesus”

I got to attend the Canadian premiere of “Da Sweet Blood of Jesus” last Wednesday as part of the 10th annual Montreal International Black Film Festival (MIBFF). The event was held at the Imperial Cinema which was super dope. I’d never been there before. It’s a pretty fancy place to watch a movie in, gotta say.

What was extra dope about this event though is that SPIKE LEE was there… I saw him TWICE in one day – albeit from afar. But it’s only because they stopped letting people line up right around the time I’d worked up the balls to go ask him my question at the Q&A following the screening!

The movie itself was aight. If you’re looking for some laughs and passive excitement, and want it delivered in video format by extremely good looking people, then you should totally check out the “newest hottest Spike Lee joint”.

“Da Sweet Blood of Jesus” is Spike Lee’s modern, light hearted take on the 1973 cult classic horror flick Ganja & Hess. The story follows Dr. Hess Greene, an anthropologist with a passion for africa and a particular interest in ancient Ashanti blood drinking culture, as he is acquainted with the afterlife and the plight of his ancestors.
Dr. Greene’s research assistant completely loses touch while spending a night at his 40 acre estate on Martha’s Vineyard, and stabs and kills him with an ancient Ashanti knife before finally committing suicide.

Upon awaking from his death, Dr. Greene discovers he is now impenetrable with a knife. Immortal. Undead? He then walks in on the scene of his assistants’ bloody demise, gets on all fours, and tastes human blood for the first time. This will not be his last.
So begins Dr. Hess Greene’s bloody addiction. He will steal, kill, fall in love and be saved (in a religious sense) and make you jolt and cringe and sometimes smirk before the two hours are up.

Mr. Lee‘s description was accurate enough: “it’s about human beings who are addicted to blood. Funny, sexy, and bloody.”

My rating: 7/10  – for acting and cinematography

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