Meet #Kstyleupdate the Newest Mobster on YouTube


It takes a village to raise a kid, but it takes clicks to build a youtube channel. Check out #Kstyleupdate on YouTube and follow this new mobster from Calgary who has thrown off the gloves and is diving into vlogging head first and hash-tag savvy, producing and editing his own show.

Seizing the moment with pop-culture headlines like this Grand Theft Auto attention grabber, what’s a good vlog without a bait-and-switch? In this case it’s how to protect your rights while filming cops in public – handy information to have, right? I think this kid is onto something…

… And Kudos to Boss Shaw III for not taking himself too seriously, and being willing to publish the reality of writing, directing and starring in your own production. It’s FULL of four letter words. God bless his parents.

Welcome to the mob. Now get to work!

About Author /

Andy is a long-time web & media producer with offices in Toronto. When out on the street, Andy is a fast talking knowledge fire-hose, with a propensity for wearing red fedora’s and rolling around town in a blacked-out Lincoln.

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