And It Begins: Festival Mode Et Design


Model for Cuir Danier @sensation_mode

From July 31st to August 3rd, be prepared to see Montreal ‘s most fashionable roam McGill College between de Maisonneuve and Sainte-Catherine streets, happily collecting Schick razors (because we all shamelessly do it, myself included) as they people watch and stick around for the countless mini-events between the different cat-walks.


Model for Mélanie Lyne @sensation_mode

By noon, all seats were full on the Esplanade Stage, as people of all ages awaited the first show of the festival, Fashion on the PVM Plaza. On a hot and sunny day, crop tops, skirts, tank tops and light colours were abundant…but the same cannot be said for the models who strutted down the runway. Cuir Danier was the first store to show off its collection of what was mostly leather and dark colours, two themes that were common in many of the collections from the stores that followed,  such as Marie-Lyne, Terra Nostra, Tristan  and Marie-Claire.  Thankfully, Femme de Carriere brought the summer back with their floral prints, pastels and bright colours. Despite the glaring sun, most of the female models had their hair up in those chic high-top buns and kept their smiles.

To complete the opening festivities, a high-heel race took place about a half hour later, where teams ran with their 7 cm high-heels in an effort to raise money for the Chainon Foundation, an organization dedicated to helping women with few or no resources. One thing is clear: watching these girls run for what proved to be less than a quarter of the street and put together a  cool, vintage look took about no time for these eager ladies.


High-heel race


Quickly and beautifully put together vintage looks by the competitors for the high-heel race


For more information on Festival Mode and Design, check out their website



About Author /

A die-hard Montreal Canadiens fan and an avid sports lover, Safia Ahmad is taking her first baby steps into the world of social media and journalism, while studying Psychology at Concordia University. Some of her other interests include food, fashion, singing and playing the guitar, and simply having a good time with the people she loves. Oh, and she’s also a night owl and has a pretty big sweet tooth. Topic Contributor: Hockey,Music, Food, Fashion, Nightlife and Entertainment


  • Andy Famous
    12 years ago

    Great coverage Saff – Happy to see you and Boss Grace having a great time at the Mode Design Festival, I can’t wait to see tomorrow’s dispatch!

    • Saff
      12 years ago

      Thank you! We’re definitely having a lot of fun with this

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