That’s right I said it.
So the other night, me and my love were pondering what to watch before going to sleep because for some reason, we can’t fall asleep without the TV on.. I know we’re not alone. Having no cable, and who needs it with the Internet and video games, we browsed through our DVD collection to fall upon “The Boondocks”.
What is this you say? Well it’s based on a comic strip by Aaron McGruder. This….how can I put this nicely..
.this racist but totally hilarious concept ( hey no need to sugar coat it with smart words ) came alive in 1999. His comic was an instant success hitting 150 newspapers worldwide. In 2005, the hilarious comic came to life in a cartoon on Comedy Network Adult Swim.
“The Boondocks” is about a classic old black man, you know who respect whitey to his face but hates him deep down inside behind his back. He moves to the suburbs with his grand kids Huey and Ryley Freeman, hoping to get away from the ghetto. But we all know you can take niggas out the ghetto but you can’t the ghetto out the nigga! Huey, being the smarty-art-philosophical-thinking-before-he-acts twin while Ryley is the straight up nigga. The two are always at each others throats but thanks to Granddad Freeman, an ass whooping with a belt buckle is just around the corner. His voice is done by THE classic black man..Oh yes
John Witherspoon himself. You will remember him from one of my favorite movies “Friday” and all it’s followers.

The kids are done by
Regina King. Yep that’s her! Also from “Friday”, I was shocked when I found out she does both voices. You have to really listen to be able to tell. You never mistake Huey for Ryley or vice-verse. With a range of characters, this show is the bomb. Can you picture Charlie Murphy and Samuel L. Jackson (Yes! I know THAT niggas’ in everything.) playing white gangsters?

Just keep reading…
Cedric Yarbrough brings a variety of voices to this controversial show. I know him from “Reno 911”, Tom DuBois, a straight District Attorney and neighbors to the Freemans, is his main character. His talent really and humor add a great touch to each episode.

Uncle Ruckus is priceless. He is a black
man who hates black people. Sorry, I mean niggas. Real ugly too. His voice is played by
Gary Anthony Williams. I know him from “Malcolm in the middle” as the white black dude. Playing almost the opposite role, Uncle Ruckus’ disgust for black people is just really, really funny.
Well watching season one, we came across our favorite episode: Nigga Moments. Oh my gosh, too much! Below is a clip that describes exactly what this means.
Now here’s where it’s gets better. Please pay attention on how he says this racial slur.
Remember Charlie Murphy and Samy Jackson? Well check them out and then picture them in the sound booth doing the voices. It’s good!
Oh I know it’s five years old but some things just stay funny. And by doing some research on the show, I found out they have a new season. Can’t wait to check it out.
So next time you don’t know what to watch, pick out a classic! There are so many parts you forget on those “old” movies and shows that they come back to you as your watching it, making you laugh before, during and after. The new shit weather it’s movies, TV and especially music, they suck! They just don’t make them like they use to. But hey I’m comfortable lingering in the past where I laugh and always adding a little bit of the future because like it or not, you can’t change the times, but they always stay the same.
I leave you with a little bit of Uncle Ruckus. The most racist black man against black people you will ever see. Don’t forget to follow us on your way out, I got more clips on our facebook page! Thanks a lot and as always…
Laugh on people, laugh on!
P.S. the computer wanted to correct my “niggas” for “niggers”…Hilarious! “No! if your going to be racist, spell it correctly.” Jo
Montreal’s hot spot for Comedy!