Montreal Dépflies get the green light for Comedy Coup
DÉPANNEUR (DÉP): A corner store that sells a variety of goods. They are plentiful in Québec and, unlike convenience stores...
DÉPANNEUR (DÉP): A corner store that sells a variety of goods. They are plentiful in Québec and, unlike convenience stores...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Saturday November 29, 2014 (Toronto) –– HOT LAP is pleased to announce the release of its...
Tokyo Tribe, directed by Shion Sono, is an action packed rap-musical based on the manga Tokyo Tribe2 by Santa...
I got to attend the Canadian premiere of “Da Sweet Blood of Jesus” last Wednesday as part of the...
Dans son spectacle “Terroriste blanc d’Amérique”, Fred Dubé nous démontre que dans l’humour il y a bien plus que...
Je l’ai manqué l’année passée mais je n’allait pas répéter la même erreur deux fois. Tout ce que j’ai...
My two girls Eman and Jess Salomon doing the thing at Zoofest this year with their first show: Pretty...
What’s that you ask? Just what it says. Remember when you saw that amazing comedian at Just For Laughs and you...
A week ago I prepared for my second interview ever. A lot of things were different this time around....
As you know people it’s FRINGE season . It’s time to make good decisions about where you want to...