Every year the International Fantasia Festival takes over the the lives of film-geeks for three weeks. For those three...
Every year the International Fantasia Festival takes over the the lives of film-geeks for three weeks. For those three...
Des fois dans un show d’humour, tu sais dans quoi tu t’embarques. Plus souvent qu’autrement on s’attend à rire,...
Last night was the explosive premiere of Just Fir Laughs Nasty Show hosted by Bobby Slayton! Wow I had...
As you know people it’s FRINGE season . It’s time to make good decisions about where you want to...
It has begun. Last night at Café Campus was the launch for the Fringe Festival. What a night, what...
I am so happy to announce that Mobtreal will be a media partner for the St-Ambroise FRINGE Festival this...
I’ve got two words for you, people! Kanye West. Yeah, that’s right… I said it! Whether you love him...
Hey this review is coming at you a little bit later than usual, I had to re-write it again due...
In theatre and film, comedy rarely wins any awards. An odd fact, considering most people think that being successful...
Every Summer, Montreal waits in high anticipation for one of their most favored annual electronic festivals… Piknic Électronik! Founded in...